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What People say about KPP

Dr. Minna Yoon, ND, L.Ac.  

San Francisco, Ca

At first, Kettlebell Partner Passing seemed intimidating since I am neither skilled at throwing or catching.  But as soon as the mind chatter went away, all that remains is focus and fun!


KPP is about connection and flow.  It feels great to be engaged in an activity that strengthens all the muscles and creates a flow of energy, without feeling tedious or redundant.  I definitely was ecstatic about the benefits to my posture directly after and for a few days following a KPP session.  


It helps to have a great instructor!  Michael is phenomenal in training: reinforcing form for safety and injury prevention, and providing compassionate support in building confidence.   I highly recommend trying KPP!

Los Angeles, Ca

“Michael is a great trainer and a renaissance

man, strong in body, mind and spirit.”

Mike Visscher, Fitness Professional

Rancho Coucomonga, CA

KPP is addictive and engaging.  With this system you will learn more than you expect and it's a lot of fun! It demands presence of mind and ask us to focus with and for the person on the other side. There's a finess that encourages a beautiful nonverbal form of communication; This helps people connect; it breaks down walls and builds trust.  It reminds us that we can feel good in something simple.  Anyone can do this, and Michael has created a seamless way of teaching the nvice to the advanced.  AND you will feel energized and it's a great way to build dynamic strength!  I love seeing people light up and smile after they pass for the first time.  For many it's a confidence builderas well.  I intend to continue to experience the benefits of this powerful practice and share it with my clients friends and family!

Chris Hook, Gym owner and Kettlebell instructor

Hermosa Beach, CA

It was great meeting you yesterday. I have experimented with passing bells with Mike and I have tinkered with juggling on my own. However, what we did yesterday adds depth to what I have been doing and opens the door to endless new possibilities for swinging kettlebells. 


I train regularly and I’m happy to punch the clock to gain strength, but I am starving for some new movement. I told you that I just did an outdoor workshop that revolved around tree climbing, rough housing, rolling, crawling, etc. All of that is great but it is not readily available to me like passing bells is. Passing bells with you yesterday was nourishing. It was nourishing in a physical way where it felt good to use my body with a kettlebell outside what I am used to. I can see how passing bells can have obvious physical benefits, and I look forward to learning the stepping throws and the other more open-chain 3dimensional movements. 


 But, the thing that really stood out to me was how it felt to pass two bells. Everything melted away similar to being in a light trance or when I drift off in a daydream. There is a spiritual component to passing bells, I found myself in a good flow when we were ‘stirring the pot’ in both horizontal and vertical circles. When I was done yesterday I felt energized and refreshed. Kettlebell training is not usually accompanied by smiles and laughter, passing bells is and it has a heeling effect on me. 


I didn’t get to experience the fear factor personally, but I can see how passing bells can be an empowering experience for people. I believe that bell passing can have a healing effect not only on the individual but on the people passing a bell/s. Passing bells is a conversation, it is about cooperation not confrontation or competition. Mike and I did 15 minutes of passing today and we both got a good sense of what effect a throw has on the receiver but also on how it comes back to us. It is metaphoric for the energy and emotions we send to others in our daily interactions, you get what you give. It is very satisfying when you get in a groove, when the handle turns over just right almost as if your partner is placing it in your hands, giving you the opportunity to return it in the same condition. 


I love the eye contact component. How often do people make eye contact and become fully engaged with each other. Most people are disconnected from each other, they do much of their communication through text or email. This is a relationship building tool. My wife and I have solid relationship. She is also an SFG2, I look forward to passing bells with her as another form of communication. This fits right in with the spiritual work that we have been doing over the last year and half.

Love and Gratitude for this gift,

Chris White, Director of Strength and Conditioning, LSU

Louisiana State University, Baton Rouge, Louisiana

Kettlebell Partner Passing is one of the most versatile systems available because it can be strength training for athletes, quality time with a significant other, or an ice breaker when meeting new friends. However, the most powerful aspect of KPP is the connection it provides the participants. I believe that a team or partnership is only as strong as its strongest link. When a partnership inevitably goes through tough times, the strongest links in your chain need to be able to support and lift the weaker ones in order to maintain the structure they support. Like the process used to harden steel, KPP has toughened and helped remove the stresses and brittleness in the chain links between my wife and I as well as within the teams I coach. If you want to immediately create a stronger connection within a team, between you and a significant other, or you just simply want to connect with new people, Kettlebell Partner Passing is an effective and fun way to achieve those goals.

Dr. Christopher R. Holder DP, DMQ(China), Master RKC, CrossFit Level I, CSCS

Head Strength and Conditioning Coach- Cal Poly Athletics. San Luis Obispo, CA

I had the pleasure of meeting Michael Castrogiovanni almost 15 years ago. Yes, it was the kettlebell that brought us together on a field in Minnesota a long time ago. We quickly became friends and I am one of the lucky many who consider him a near and dear friend. 


To fully understand the Kettlebell Partner Passing program, you must know the man behind it. Michael is unlike anyone I have ever met. Without getting into his background, Michael has lived a full life, one with experiences that most of us will never have ourselves. This program is far beyond simply two people tossing a kettlebell back and forth. The system is about connection. The intent is to use this rudimentary tool to create a window for two or more people to tap into some of the deepest levels of themselves. The unspoken language that is organically formed almost immediately creates an environment where many of the physical, psychological, bio energetic and even spiritual skills we all possess come to the forefront. When a professional athlete speaks of "flow"- this is what the KPP system creates. It's a degree of concentration that allows the user to tap into deep areas of the brain that can only be accessed when they simultaneously focus while equally "letting go". There's a mysterious elegance to the entire process that can only be truly experienced. 


They system has been Michael's baby for over a decade now. He's refined things to the point that his teachings are effortless and he creates an environment that allows the users to progress at their own pace. He's truly a master and the KPP system is a direct reflection of who he is. 

Kettlebell and Physical culture and fitness expert San. Jose, CA

If it weren't for Michael Castrogiovanni I would have never met Pavel Tsatsouline or become a Master Instructor. I've known Michael since he was 14 or so and showed him the basics of weight training and later on the kettlebell. The rest, as they say, is history. Michael, as he is wont to do, took the bull by the horns and braved a new trail, and expansive and evolving trail. His own trail. With weight training, mobility and of course the kettlebell. His Kettlebell Partner Passing program is truly Michael at his most original and best. Bringing together all the serious aspects of technique and progressions with Mike's love of fun, and joy and bringing people together, KPP takes kettlebell swinging and juggling to an entirely new level. One that everyone can enjoy, from the beginner to the most advanced, looking for a new serious challenge.

I’ve known Michael Castrogiovanni since he was 14 years old and am proud to say I introduced him to the Iron World at my World Gym in Campbell, Ca. Michael was, as he still is, a quick study in things both physical and intellectual and he learned everything I showed him very fast, and ,more importantly, he worked hard on his own and thought about what he was doing. 


He was already an athlete, training for competition in wrestling and the strength he acquired in the gym did him well on the mat. He trained and studied bodybuilding, he watched and learned the intricacies of powerlifting from the elders in the gym and applied his own twist to everything he learned; making it his own. There is only One Mike Castro.


He left for college and came back with a degree in Kinesiology and a depth of knowledge in the science of training;a direction I did not expect him to go. He became a scientist as well as an athlete. And the artist in him demanded he merge all three. Which he did and continues to do to this day with his studies of yoga, martial arts, all kinds of crazy incredible juggling( both weighted and non) and body work therapies adding to his knowledge of kettlebells and traditional weight training.

When I showed Michael the kettlebell he did what he always does with a new athletic endeavor, he took it on himself to study it until he had mastered it, then made it his own, adding his own unique insights and knowledge born from his hard work.


Michael is truly the penultimate student as well as a gifted and caring teacher.Micheal is always searching for new knowledge, new ways of looking at old things and has an incredibly intuitive instinct for training and the body. 


If you get a chance to train with this incredible athlete/teacher don’t miss it,

I can't recommend KPP, or Michael enough!

Sifu Singh, Martial Arts, Author and CEO

Santa Cruz, Ca

If you don't know what Kettle Bell Partner Passing (KPP) is you need to check it out.  There is nothing in the fitness industry or the business that gets you to connect and get into the zone like Michael Castrogiovanni's KPP.


The biggest thing that is missing in the fitness industry is connection.  It is the ability to adapt to another person or energy over a given period of time.  Adaptability is necessary not only for growth in your physical journey, but it is the essence of life itself.


What if in every session you could master yourself by mastering the moment, while collectively achieving a higher ordeal or version of your self.  An idea of community where you push your partner through connecting and caring about their performance rather than competing.    I am all for competition, but when it comes to success, we need cooperation.  Any great coach will tell you that it is the progressive ability of two high level athletes to work together to push each other.  When competition enters the picture, the ego takes over.  The ego is the downfall of the great athlete or the mover.  


To be a great athlete to be a great individual, "The "I"" must be terminated.  For "I" can not exist in the heat of battle, it just "IS".  The Zone, that state of connectivity, that state of performance, when a group together is connected for the collective success of  the whole, this is mastery on the field.  This is the "Secret" of all success.  Not techniques, fads, systems, or even the coaches.  It is all about the person, the connection, and the freedom of movement.  I am grateful for my time with Coach Michael and the times we have spent together passing have truly been some of the most FUN times I have ever spent training, as a matter of fact, we are now moving towards Playing like in the school yard, instead of Training.


Join the KPP Movement.

Lauren Egavian, Group fitness Director

Yoga instuctor Los Gatos, CA

Being a yoga teacher, personal trainer, swimmer, cyclist, hiker, working with Kettlebells has been a fairly recent development in my training program. I had only swung a kettlebell in a straight line, sometimes horizontal (swings), sometimes vertical (cleans), with a hard hand grip, and feet planted on the ground.  The same movement plane, the same pattern, the same stance.  After meeting Michael, who introduced me to Kettlebell Partner Passing, my world (kettlebell) was flipped upside down and right side up.  I was awakened to a world of undreamed possibilities within the world of kettlebells and beyond! 

Especially when Michael started changing the space between us, stepping further back, stepping closer in, playing with distance but yet somehow still being able to stay connected on a trusted unspoken communication front, despite time, distance and space. You know you're in the groove when theres no leader, theres no follower, just pure peaceful flow between partners passing. Relationship of pure reciprocity. And yet it's okay to fail, to drop the bell, and once you do, trust me its inevitable, you become aware of your strong heartbeat, your full deep breaths and you notice the paradigm shift of acceptance.  You smile, you pick up the bell, you ask one another, "are you ready", count to 3, lock eyes, and begin passing again and again, rinse and repeat. Its a fun, exhilarating, yet peaceful and grounding meditative dance. You've become woke to the flow.  If you're seeking a creative way to get in a good work out, while tapping into another layer of consciousness you didn't think existed, then this is the practice for you. 

Personally, after our session I felt overwhelmed with a foreign feeling of raw vulnerability which in turn left me feeling humble yet strong. A humble warrior so to speak. This practice invited me to explore different avenues, pathways and routes, which in turn allowed myself to feel creative, open and free. 

Robert Budd, Kettlebell Practitioner and teacher

Encintas, CA

I found it to be a learning curve passing with a new person in the way of learning and accepting their flow and way of passing. I found it very vulnerable to pass with someone that I had never met before. I really had to set my shit aside so I could be with Tone and not really mess him up. It was a humbling experience. To not have my ego jump in and run the show was really difficult and as we continued the crap just faded away into the background and it was just he and I throwing the bell to each other. Bitchen!

Humphrey Rincon Artist - Entrepreneur

Regenerative Design Consultant, Seaside, CA

  Kettlebell partner passing is way more fun than I expected. Yes it is basically tossing a cannon ball back and forth. Yes it will make you strong and yes it is great conditioning. But what makes it fun is its magnetic ability to draw you into the present. The only thing that's better than being fully present is sharing that experience with a friend, or better yet someone you just met. In complete presence, facades and superficialities fall away. There's no space for them. When you fully drop into the present its just you. You can't pretend to be someone else or try to impress someone you just met. You can't be anything but yourself because you're trying to catch this ball of steel thats flying through the air at you. In those moments, whether you realize it or not, you are connecting with another person and being accepted as you are. And there is no greater feeling in the world than being validated as our honest, true selves. 

Passing the kettlebell creates a dialogue that teaches us about the person we are passing with and about ourselves. If I throw a perfect pass it is easy for the other person to receive and send back to me and I can feel it. The converse is true of a poor pass. The other person has to adjust and the return pass is far less fluid and harder for me to catch. What I put out returns immediate feedback reminding me that I cannot receive the best unless I give the best. This exchange creates a vested interest in the success of others further developing connection. 

True, simple connection that comes from a place of love is rare. Its hard enough to have that with ourselves, let alone with someone we just met (who is probably taller, stronger, prettier, more articulate, than we are blah, blah blah). Insecurities are real and can get the better of us. It happens to me all the time. But Kettlebell Partner Passing creates an opportunity to transcend those insecurities, an opportunity to defy our own narcissism by being so totally engrossed in the present that we can actually connect with ourselves and if we're lucky, with another person. The depth and richness of that experience is something I don't even know how to articulate. But I recognize it as fun. Its the same kind of fun toddlers have when they learn how to do summersaults. The kind of fun that gets you high, puts a smile on your face and makes the world a better place.


Doxa Chatzopoulou, Kettlebell Instructor

Los Angeles, CA

My KPP experience has been amazing so far! It is all about connecting with another person and learning how to focus into the present moment. It's meditation and so much more. I look forward, every time, to start my day by moving my body, being outdoors and interacting with another person. In the beginning its seams challenging but it's all about trust, following the steps, trusting the process andit becomes  truly magical. It has changed my life a lot and this is just the beginning!!!

Dave Anders, Artist and Firearms instructor

San Jose, CA

I've had the honor of training with Mike on several occasions and to say he knows his stuff would be an understatement. Mike lives, eats and sleeps kettle bells and it shows in his training curriculum. Prior to training with Mike I had a long history of weight training, but very little kettle bell work. Mike teaches in a way that's highly efficient but not overwhelming. You can see that he is not only focused on the task of teaching, but more importantly, how much knowledge you are retaining and how hard to push you further. The physical results are immediately noticeable, you will feel your body adapting and adjusting to handle the training regime that Mike has spent years fine tuning to get the most out of his time with his students. I really like that Mike constantly has his head on a swivel and is gauging the safety of every exercise. Having a heavy iron weight sailing at you could be dangerous, but I have always felt Mike keeps the classes controlled and safety is always his first priority. Would I recommend Mike to a friend? Heck yes! Would I train with Mike again? In a second. Should you train with Mike? Do yourself a favor and get out there, you won't regret it.

Santa Fe, NM

When Michael Castrogiovanni asked me if I wanted to learn KPP, I flat out said 'no'. I have done kettlbell juggling a few times before, and I promised myself I would never do anything like it again. Juggling gave me anxiety, and I left feeling horrible about myself and insanely uncoordinated. It just didn't speak to me. Somehow Michael Castrogiovanni convinced me that this was nothing like juggling, and that he would make sure I would not feel inadequate or hurt myself.

This is what I have to say about KPP:

KPP is a way to connect with your body, to listen to yourself, use your intuition, and listen to another person. It opens a space to develop presence of mind, trust, creativity, and child-like fun. Walking away from this unique opportunity will make you feel more open, kind, and exhilarated. I know. It sounds totally weird, but you have to try it, and you will understand.


Thanks, Michael Castrogiovanni for bringing this gift to our community and beyond.

Pamela Platt, Artist

Santa Fe, New Mexico 

Thanks so much for the introduction to this great experience. Pam I just learned of KPP on February 11th and then happened to meet Michael the next day here in Santa Fe. We immediately jumped into passing. WOW. What an incredible experience! It was humbling and exciting to begin to learn the first stage of kettle bell passing. The foundation of visual and audible communication that is the entry point into the connection to one’s partner and then adding the flow of the kettle bell moving between the two people was multi-sensory. The passing brings one immediately into the present moment and the awareness of breath, giving the toss, receiving the toss and for me, showing me where I wasn’t relaxed, wasn’t breathing, wasn’t being present or my mind getting in the way. And then, when I “got it”, it was such a great feeling - full of possibility! As one moves into the flow of the passing, the motion begins to take on the feel of a meditation: the outside world subsides and the attention is given to where one immediately is, the awareness of what one is doing and the exchange occurring with one’s partner. This present state of being is physically grounded by the weight of the kettle bell and having it float through the air, back and forth. It is like watching kelp beds moving in the ocean currents. As I have gone on to do more days of KPP, I am finding it brings about a similar experience that I have of snowboarding in fresh powder through the trees: everything becomes quiet, there is the sound of one’s breathing, there is the focus given to where the open path moves through the trees and one’s relationship to the trees, the board, the snow and one’s body. It feels incredible when you get into the zone. What is great and different with the KPP is the relationship to another person: there is a conscious showing up that is more about the energy, acknowledgement and respect of being present for another. It is through a loving and respectful intention and action that one is dialed into the other. Who knew that such a simple gesture could reveal so much?! There is the fine-tuning of one’s toss through the flipping of the handle, directing the bell into the partner’s hands, strength: dialing back the toss, dialing up the toss, “graciously giving” the bell to your partner while “humbling receiving” it. Truly, it is whatever the two of you want to make it. Best of all, KPP is about PLAY and innovation! It is fun! It is a new way to swing a kettle bell! This is a sport that is a work of art in motion and it has whatever one wants to bring to the game.

Mark Padilla, Contractor, Kettlebell instructor

I had the pleasure of being introduced to Kettlebell partner passing by my good friend Michael Castrogiovanni.  I highly recommend KPP to anyone looking for something more exciting than a simple gym workout, and for a fun and challenging twist on using Kettlebells.   


I didn’t really know what to expect when I tried passing with Michael for the first time.  I’d seen KPP videos, but wasn’t sure I could do it.  After a few quick pointers and dry runs, I gave it a shot.  Like many before me, I dropped my very first attempt.  However, I learned KPP is like riding a bike…intimidating at first, but easy to pick up! 


The physical benefits are amazing.  The benefits of Kettlebell workouts have been widely documented.  KPP works your back, arms, core, and legs.  You can easily build strength and endurance the right way, and it’s very easy to start with low weights and continue to add as much as you’re comfortable with.   


KPP forces you to stay engaged and be very in tune to the people and environment around you while working out.  You not only have to focus on your own movements, but your partner’s as well.  I quickly discovered by working with multiple partners that every person will have a unique way of throwing.  If you learn correctly and get the basics down, you can easily adapt to anyone else’s style!  KPP is learning to work with other people and being willing to quickly adapt to reach your goal (the perfect passing session!).  Positivity is also a key, so each passing session ends with a partner high five! 


Another amazing part of KPP is that you can do it anywhere!  It does not have to be done in a stuffy gym or garage.  My first experience with KPP was done as part of a nature hike.  So while working out and communicating with my partner, I was also surrounded by beautiful trees and the wonderful sounds and smells of Mother Nature at her finest.  To me, this is the real difference maker with KPP.  When you allow yourself to fully embrace it, it is a system that truly works the body, mind and spirit!  After my first experience I felt strong, cleansed, refreshed, and could not wait to do it again. 


To anyone reading this, I hope to meet you and share an amazing passing session with you in the future! 


Thank you Michael! 

Sonia Godoy, Mom and Kettlebell instructor

Chula Vista, Ca

I wanted to share my experiences with you about the Kettlebell Partner Passing (KPP) that I had the pleasure of learning from you. I am AMAZED at how therapeutic and relaxing it allowed my mind and body to feel. It was truly a magical experience.

When passing the Kettlebell with you, I became very relaxed and the good energy in my body began to flow, simultaneously healing some tension and discomfort I had been feeling throughout my body. Being present with myself and not allowing distractions to take over my mind was powerful! It took a few drops of the Kettlebell before I was eventually able to maintain a strong mind 😊.

It doesn't stop there! These good vibes lasted throughout my day and I had good energy flowing all day! KPP is very healing. It's not just about looking "cool" and getting a good workout in by throwing around some heavy bells. It's about how it makes your inner being feel. It releases some pretty intense stuff. I felt grounded, energetic, self-aware, motivated, and encouraged to continue learning not just about KPP but about myself.

Thank you Michael for the opportunity! I admire your passion and your person. I can't wait to see how far you will take this. I look forward to continue learning and growing. I can't wait to throw some bells again! Monkey see monkey do! 🐵

Thank you,

Jeremy Layport MA, CSCS, Sr. SFG. Strength Coach University of Colorado, Boulder

Boulder, CO

Not long after my 2008 introduction to Michael Castrogiavoni, he introduced me to kettlebell partner passing (KPP). I had some experience with hand to hand kettlebell juggling, but never anything with a partner. Number one rule of KB safety is not to swing directly in front of or behind someone; So here I was, day one, throwing KB’s directly at Michael. No worries, because he was throwing them right back. KPP challenged me in a totally new way. The focus, coordination, timing and movement all got added into the standard kettlebell swinging equation. A standard KB swings require some focus but catching a flipping kettlebell as well as send out a quality pass to your partner is another level of focus. Michael saved some pretty bad passes from me that first day. Definitely some peer pressure in KPP too; You don’t want to be the guy to send out the bad pass or miss the catch when you’ve got a pretty cool passing flow going. It is all in fun though. Michael has done a good job of establishing prerequisites:

A. Standard Swings

B. Hand to hand kettlebell juggling

He’s also developed progressive steps to learn KPP. Michael’s methodical process will pull you out of your comfort zone at times, but not too far. As you start to grasp and own a new catch and throw, he will introduce another. Easy forward passing will give way to side and lateral throws, single and double KB throws, and a movement passing flow, which is my personal favorite. So, if you and your training partner get bored with the monotony of standard kettlebell swing programs or you are both looking for a new, fun, and creative way to push yourselves KPP is for you.



David Weck, Inventor and CEO, Bosu Fitness

San Diego, Ca

“"Michael Castrogiovanni is an expert in the realm of physical strength and conditioning.  But that's not what makes him so special.  What really separates Michael from others is the care and understanding he brings to his work.  He is a gifted teacher and trainer, you are fortunate if you have the opportunity to train with him."


Lauren Egavian, Group fitness Director

Yoga instuctor Los Gatos, CA

Holy bells!! Wowzers. My posterior chain was talking to me for about two days after our session. My glutes, hammies, various muscles in my lower and upper back were all sore, or shall I say, "woke" after we passed bells.  What's great though and different from my olympic barbell lifting regime, is that I was still able to function and move! Working on the different passes was an eye opener or shall I say "hand opener" for me. I found it so foreign to catch a bell with my palms facing down. At first, I kept trying to catch it with palms facing up and that just caused risk for some banged up toes. But it brought up an interesting figurative theme. Am I able to be both a giver and a receiver? Do I feel that I have to catch, carry, and control the whole world in the palm of my hand? Can I let my hands relax after letting something go? I also recognized and felt the deeper muscles in my core the next day. Energetically, my solar plexus felt strong and I realized that no matter what happens in the course of this journey called life, I'm OK. The ground supports me, the air fuels me and the universe has my back. 

Will Williams, Strength/Fitness Expert


'Castrogiovanni'.  What a guy!  Michael and his name are at once unforgettable. As a friend he is compassionate and a blast to be around, as a trainer I have seen Castro display uncommon patience with teams of students at RKC weekends and stand up for the little guy more than once.  His contributions to the RKC and kettlebell community predate the days of “Enter The Kettlebell”. Castro has been Brett Jones' role model in the DVD "Kettlebell Basics for Strength Coaches and Personal Trainers", Steve Cotter's aggressor in the "Full Kontact Kettlebells Volume 2" DVD, and Rif named him in posts dating back to 2004.  The man is a seasoned vet in the strength,fitness, health and wellness fields with his best years of teaching still to come.  Be smart and do yourself a favor, get learned!!!.  



Sara, Accountant 

Albuquerque, NM

I first met Michael back in 2012.  At that point in my life, I had been all about Kettlebells spanning 6 month timeframe. I fell in love with Kettlebells and researched everything and everyone that had to do with the community. Michael was one of the individuals that I had heard about.  I was so blessed to meet him and have a personal training session with him. Amongst other things during our session he introduced me to KPP. KPP isn’t just about tossing a bell back and forth between yourself and another person. The system Michael’s developed takes on so many levels of different meaning from learning how nonverbal communication develops between you and another human being to setting an intention for your practice. Since 2012, I have been privileged to learn more about the KPP system with Michael via workshops and private sessions. Each session peels back a layer of new understanding on a physical, emotional and spiritual level. If you ever have a chance to work with Michael I would highly recommend it because you won’t be disappointed. I know that I am looking forward to all of our future sessions and the growth they will bring to my Kettlebell practice and life!

Robert Budd, Kettlebell Practitioner and teacher

Encintas, CA

Looking back at my experience up to this point reminds me of learning Martial Arts. There was a period of learning the "language" and principles of KPP. A perfect example would be how we start off every set of Partner Passing: While looking the person in their eyes asking, "Are you ready?" then counting off the first 3 swings out loud before the first pass. The first pass is on 3. 

An example of two of the principles is standing tall and relaxed (present) between throws and throwing the bell as consistant as possible at the same height. Another principle would be to not save a bad rep and let the bell drop if out of position. 

I have been learning more about myself as a person rather than it just being a workout or exercise. Being there for another leaves no room for ego. Trying to look cool or just trying not to "look" like a fool just gets in the way of Partner Passing. 

In short, KPP has taught me that spreading love and understanding is very possible while throwing a hunk of iron to another person. 

The saying, "Don't judge a book by it's cover." applies to my experience Kettlebell Passing with Brandon. I have often, as most, labeled someone before any words were exchanged and this day was no different. I had labeled Brandon as someone that is cocky, has a chip on his shoulder who is out to prove something. This description is more than likely the impression that I leave with people the first time we meet which is perfect that I thought the same of someone who after Partner Passing was the furthest from the truth. Our "getting to know each other" time was passing a 12 kg kettlebell to each other and THE best way that we could have met. In my experience there is no better way to get a solid undersatnding of someone's intentions and character, good or bad, thank KPP. Brandon and my energy and intentions were practically identical. He challenged my abilities all the while looked after my wellbeing, as in, he never purposely put me in a compromised position. I can't say it enough: if you want to get to know someone, the true person, in a very short time, Kettlebell Partner Passing with them is the most effective way.

Erick Williams

Kettlebell instructor USA

KPP deep thoughts by The one and only Will Williams:
KPP with Mike Castro is fun. 
Lots of fun.
Flying kilograms of fun, ya feel me?
At a glance, KPP can appear elegant and disciplined, as in kung fu, or high octane and amplified like a beef jerky commercial. 
Minimal equipment investment required. 
Moderate safety considerations. 
Highly adaptable training situations. 
If you have a mate, or an old chum, or a pal of yours, or a student who can swing a kettlebell, you have a passing partner. If you have one kettlebell and three people, you have a kettlebell passing party.
Just remember to pass to the left. 
Grab a partner, establish trust, and engage a rhythm. Apply your own measures of funkiness, fiery bombast, or fluid changes of direction.
Train by a body of water whenever possible.

Suzanna McGee,   Author of Tennis Fitness for the love of it.

Los Angeles, Ca

Michael was my teacher in kettlebell training. He is extremely knowledgeable with great understanding of the human body. He can quickly figure out everybody's personal needs and teaches them accordingly. He also is a very strong and skilled athlete, which is very motivating to us, students. He is doing the moves with ease and we all think we can do it too. Ha! It takes a lot of practice to be like Michael! He has a great sense of humor, which makes the training fun, yet it is all a serious business and you for sure get great results. To this day, I remember the training sessions where I was learning the flips and other fun moves, and when I am teaching my students, I am very happy that Michael was my teacher, because I got the best foundation that I can pass on to others. 

Carolyn Brumfield, RKC II, CK-Fms

Encinitas, CA

Michael Castrogiovanni is a true leader and proffesional. He is an ingenious, technically knowledgable and highly motivating Kettlebell instructor and coach. If you are fortunate enough to work with Michael you will experience an instructor with great personal warmth, enthusiasm and genuine character. Michael seems absolutely driven to help individuals and groups reach their full potential. He is calm and supportive all the while focused on detail and form. With Michael you will receive excellent instruction, clear

communication and the support required to maximize your results.



Josh Meltzer, Fitness director Equinox

La Costa, CA

Playing with the 40kg the other night. There’s no other way to describe this system other than FUN!  The precision, attention to detail, the focus and trust learned are incredible byproducts of this system.  Many more things to learn within this system for sure.  Michael thank you for an awesome session I appreciate it!

Steve Scott, High School Principal

San Jose, CA

"When I started training with Michael, I was surprised by my strength gains, weight loss, and a dramatic increase in flexibility.  More importantly, he has inspired motivation, passion, and excellence,

which have extended far beyond the gym into my relationships with family, friends, colleagues, and students.  Michael is a master teacher — his training system gives a workout to the mind, body, and

spirit.  Michael is an agent of change, growth, and healing." 

Rhonda Fuller, Holistic Fitness Trainer H.H.P., R.K.C., R.Y.T.

San Diego, CA

"Michael is a true coach for our times. He combines the wisdom of strength,
the watchful eye of experience and soulful compassion to help individuals transcend in their bodies and their minds. He has encouraged me in ways that exceed many other exercise coaches out there, who only address "a workout". With Michael's watchful eye, he has helped me to overcome limits in my mobility and flexibility. His kindness is encouraging and his training principle's work!" 


Derek Noble, Author and host of Discovery Channel’s Urban Fitness on Fit T.V.

Manhattan, NY

“Mike is more than an extraordinary trainer, he’s an

extraordinary human being.” 

Beck Nelson

Los Angeles, Ca

I had the pleasure of having Mr. Michael Castrogiovanni as my personal trainer for two years at the company gym at Fox.  I had never really exercised on a regular basis even though I knew I had to do it was not at all looking forward to starting. Michael started with a good, solid yet non-torturous regimen that I was able to stick to and enjoy.  As I progressed he would add more challenging exercises. He even wrote out a schedule of exercises for me to keep when I took a break between sessions.

He was always prompt has a great attitude and always let me know in advance if there was going to be a change in the schedule. I am more than happy to put in a good word for him.


Scott Paine

San Diego, Ca

I had the pleasure of training with Michael Castrogiovanni from 2002-2003.  When I began working with Michael, I had no professional experience with weight training.  Michael is a very good teacher; he explained how each exercise should be properly performed so I would get the maximum benefit, what each exercise accomplished, and how it contributed to my overall fitness goals.  Michael was also great at making the connection between the movement my body was performing and how it would impact muscle growth and development.  This helped to ensure both that I did the exercise with the proper form and that I could use that knowledge to successfully work out on my own the rest of the week.  Michael also offered advice on incorporating nutrition, meditation, and goal setting that greatly contributed to my overall fitness program.


Training comes first with Michael but we also had many good conversations related to personal goals, life purpose, and spirituality.  Not only did time with Michael increase my health and wellness, it also provided me with many new insights that had a positive impact on other areas of my life.  


Most importantly, I saw great results.  We did a lot of hard work during our time together and I was able to see significant increases in my strength, definition and endurance.


Michael brings a lot of enthusiasm to his training, which makes it a lot more motivating.  Although I can only speak from my own experience, Michael seems able and willing to tailor his training to each individual’s specific needs.  


I’d recommend Michael to any one looking for a dedicated and knowledgeable trainer who can make getting stronger and healthier a rewarding journey.



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